Setting Up SonarQube for .NET Projects – A Step-by-Step Guide


Setting Up SonarQube for .NET Projects – A Step-by-Step Guide

Ensuring code quality and security is vital for successful .NET development. SonarQube provides a robust solution to identify and address bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells. In this guide, we will walk you through setting up SonarQube for your .NET projects, from installation to configuration, ensuring you get started with ease.

Table of Contents


Before starting, ensure the following requirements are in place:

  • System Requirements: A server with a minimum of 2 GB RAM and a dual-core processor.
  • Java Runtime: Install Java 11 or newer on the server.
  • Database: Set up a database such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQL Server for SonarQube.
  • .NET SDK: Ensure the latest .NET SDK is installed on your machine.

Installing SonarQube

Follow these steps to install SonarQube:

  1. Download SonarQube: Visit the official SonarQube website and download the latest version.
  2. Extract Files: Unzip the downloaded file into a directory of your choice.
  3. Database Configuration: Open the file in the conf folder and configure your database settings.
  4. Start SonarQube: Execute the StartSonar.bat (Windows) or (Linux) script to start the server.
  5. Access the Dashboard: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:9000 to access the SonarQube interface.

Configuring SonarQube for .NET

Once SonarQube is running, configure it to analyze .NET projects:

  • Log in: Use the default credentials (admin/admin).
  • Create a Project: Click “Create New Project,” then specify a unique project key and name.
  • Quality Profiles: Navigate to “Quality Profiles” and customize profiles for .NET if needed.
  • Plugins: Verify that C# and .NET plugins are installed and active.

Setting Up SonarScanner for .NET

SonarScanner is required to analyze .NET projects. Follow these steps:

  1. Download: Get SonarScanner for MSBuild from the official documentation.
  2. Install: Extract the zip file and add the bin directory to your system’s PATH.
  3. Project Preparation: Navigate to your .NET project directory and run:
    SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:"project-key" /d:sonar.login="your-token"
  4. Build: Use MSBuild to compile your project:
    msbuild YourProject.sln
  5. Analyze: Complete the scan with:
    SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe end /d:sonar.login="your-token"

Verifying Your Setup

After completing the scan, review your results:

  • Access the SonarQube dashboard and locate your project.
  • Review metrics like bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells.
  • Use the insights to improve code quality and address issues.


Setting up SonarQube for .NET projects is a straightforward process that yields significant benefits for code quality and security. By following this guide, you can ensure a seamless integration that helps you write better, more secure software.

Stay tuned for the next article, where we’ll cover integrating SonarQube with CI/CD pipelines to automate quality checks. Start improving your projects today!